Hey there everyone and welcome to my blog and website!

First of all let me introduce myself, my names Kitcho Otchik and this is my 2nd year doing IM (for those of you who dont know what that it its "internet marketing". So far the journey has been an interesting one, I have learnt so much and to be honest most of it is common sense. Knowledge can be found all over the web and ive created this tiny website (compared to whats out there) to help all the small marketers like me get a starting position and ACTUALLY start making some money.

Now whatever you have heard IM is hard IF you dont take the right advice and dont use your noggin. These days the market is very harsh on newbies and before you know it you have brought your first clickbank product and havent even touched it or put it into action and dont worry I can relate. Alot of what IM is to me is constant motivation! you need that motivation to keep you going, like im using now.

Hopefully you can follow me on this website, sign up, tweet me, facebook me anything you do will help me get this blog/website a little more noticed and start helping out those people who have no clue what clickbank product is a scam and what product can actually help you.

Once again im Kitcho Otchik dont forget to connect socially with me as I do some REAL down to earth reviews on the latest clickbank products on the market.

thankyou fellow marketer!

Kitcho Otchik

8/14/2012 08:29:21 pm

Hi Admin
I came Across Your Blog Today and it looks like we are all after the same thing.
Do You or any of you subscribers want to join me here

I will Pay the $5 for anyone who joins and you will also get an ad pack when I upgrade you.

Look forward to your reply

Claire Dochs


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